September 23, 2021


Bond Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes Bellevue, Nebraska
Official Minutes September 23, 2021

Attendance Others In Attendance
Thomas Birk Ralph Gladbach
John Carozza Jeff Rippe
Sharon Hammerlund Gret Boettger
Mike Hall
Mike Parker
Not in Attendance:
Bill Baldwin
Jim Hawkins

The meeting began at 5:30 p.m. via Zoom.

Pay Requests – The following pay request will be submitted for approval at the October 4th Board
of Education meeting.

  • Bellevue West Roof (Bradco) $35,332.20

Mr. Gladbach continues to wait for Ray Martin Co. to finalize and submit the pay requests to close
out projects.

Bellevue West Gym HVAC Project – Mr. Gladbach continues to wait for the closeout paperwork
from Ray Martin on this project.

Bellevue West Auditorium – At the September 13th Board meeting, Mr. Gladbach presented three
plans to the Board to determine if the bid should be accepted, reject the bids and possibly re-bid at
a later date should construction cost drop, or award the project to work with the low bidder to try
to trim costs within the bid to get the project cost down. Since the project was over budget, which
would have an effect on the completion of the Frank Kumor Career Center, the Board determined
to reject the bid and table the project. Mr. Gladbach will continue to monitor industry costs for
the auditorium project.

Frank Kumor Career Center – The district will begin discussion again on how to proceed with
the Frank Kumor Career Center and what bond funds would be needed to complete the project.

2021 Roof Projects –
Bellevue West – Mr. Gladbach reported the Bellevue West roof project continues to run behind
schedule due to a labor shortage. Bradco is coordinating with school administration on phasing plans so there is minimal impact to student learning. Mr. Gladbach has scheduled a construction meeting with Bradco to determine a completion date. At this time, it is anticipated to be completed
by late October.

Bellevue East – Mr. Gladbach shared at the September 13th Board meeting, it was approved for
GP Architecture to re-solicit bids for the Bellevue East partial roof replacement. A pre-bid meeting
was held with four contractors showing interest. Bids will be received on September 29th. The bid
tabulations will be shared with the Committee, then presented to the Board for approval at the
October 4th Board meeting. Mr. Gladbach determined this would allow for materials and delivery
by April/May 2022. The anticipated start of the project would be Summer 2022.

CHAP – Mejia Roofing has completed the roof project at CHAP and are in the process of the final
closeout paperwork and warranty.

Mission – Crawford Roofing continues work on the roof project at Mission. The contractor is
working with school administration on scheduling so there is minimal impact on student learning
while school is in session. The anticipated completion of the project is the end of October.

CHAP HVAC – Mr. Gladbach reported the HVAC project at CHAP is complete and is awaiting
the closeout documentation.

Food Service – Dr. Rippe shared the district had an emergency at Avery and Betz as the
refrigerator and freezer are no longer working. As part of the bond funds that have been allocated
for Food Service, the items have been ordered and should be arriving soon. The approximate cost
was $7,000.

Bellevue West Main Gym Lighting – Mr. Gladbach shared as part of the overall auditorium
project at Bellevue West, the light fixtures in the main gym would have been replaced. The current
ballasts in the gym is causing a humming sound, which proceeds to worsen. The majority of the
fixtures would be replaced during winter break, with the project being completed prior to the end
of the school year. The district received two bids for the project with DC Electric being the lowest
bid at $32,125. The Board will be asked to approve the bid from DC Electric for the replacement
of the light fixtures with LED lights at the October 4th Board meeting.

Bellevue West Auditorium HVAC – Mr. Gladbach explained as part of the new auditorium
project, a portion of the project would have been to replace the HVAC in the existing auditorium.
The existing units on the roof are original to the building. It has been determined one of the units
is not working and the other is only at half capacity. The district will ask the Board to approve the
replacement of the HVAC units at the October 4th Board meeting. The anticipated completion of
the project would be Spring 2022.

Parking Lots – Greg Boettger reported there are areas of the parking lots where the asphalt needs
to be repaired at Bellevue West and Mission. The district will work with the contractors on some
of the areas, that may have been damaged during construction. Bill Richards is gathering bids and
will ask the Board for approval to proceed with the project at the October 4th Board meeting.

Safety/Security – There were not any updates for safety/security.

Technology – There were not any updates on technology.

Transportation – There were not any updates for Transportation.

Rebates – Mr. Gladbach shared the district provided Lamp Rynearson with the additional
paperwork needed to resubmit the NDEQ rubber rebates. The State is reviewing the requests and
will notify the district in the next few months. Also, OPPD has expended all rebate funds from
prior HVAC projects and will not go back to old projects for rebates. With the size of the CHAP
HVAC project, it was determined for the time needed to gather the appropriate information and
minimal rebate that would be received, the district will not submit an application.

With the majority of projects coming to a close, the Mr. Gladbach and the Committee decided
meetings will take place as remaining projects need to be discussed. The Committee adjourned the
meeting at 6:10 p.m. The next meeting will be determined at a later date.

Board Secretary, Tricia Richards